Reclaiming Love

A Journey to Your True Self, Create Fulfilling Relationships & Rewrite Your Love Story

Discover How to Manifest Authentic Love in 4 Months:
Reclaim Self-Worth, Heal Past Wounds, and Attract the Love You Deserve

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Services I Provide For My Clients

I can help you in these particular areas.

1:1 Coaching


4 months, 16 sessions
My signature program will irrevocably change the way you perceive yourself & others and set the foundations for a healthy, sustainable relationship.

It entails

a journey into your subconscious mind, revealing disowned parts, uncovering belief systems and behavioral patterns, a reintegration process with somatic tools, a safe (trauma-informed) space, communication skills & psychological integration

Book a call

1:1 Coaching
Toxic Ex Detox


2 months, 8 sessions
A toxic relationship can leave you feeling completely depleted and traumatized.

What you can expect

I will create a safe (trauma-informed) and compassionate space to process what happened, to elaborate why it happened and work with you to prevent any reoccurrence.

Book a call

1:1 Psychological Counseling Sessions


Either Online or at the Holistic Health & Wellbeing Institute in Palmanova / Mallorca.

Online or Offline

at the institute or house calls

For all topics related to chronic anxiety, sadness, stress, grief, separation & life changes.

Book A Call

— About Me

Transformational catalyst and lover of the conscious mind

Our entire being revolves around relationships, whether personal or professional. And all of our relationships have one common demoninator: the person reading those very lines! The more you understand yourself, the more you start to create surroundings that resonate with your entire being. The more you know the „how“ and the „why“ of the way you think, feel and act, the better you will understand, communicate and connect with others.

Sarah Teichmüller

Psychological Counselor & Consciousness Coach

days to become
highly self-aware

Results I have helped create

Hear out what my clients say about me.

"Sarah hat das Talent, in mir die Dinge hervorzuholen, die ich nicht mal mir selbst gegenüber eingestehen wollte. Ihre Art geht tief unter die Haut. Es ist so viel leichter, andere für das eigene Missempfinden verantwortlich zu machen, erstrecht in einer langjährigen Partnerschaft. Sie hat mir geholfen zu erkennen, dass viele meiner Probleme aus meiner eigenen Denkweise entstehen. Das war im ersten Schritt nicht angenehm aber nach einiger Zeit nicht mehr von der Hand zu weisen. Seitdem sehe ich meinen Partner nicht nur mit anderen Augen, sondern wir haben viel von unserer verloren geglaubten Leichtigkeit zurückholen können."
"Sarah’s Coaching hat mir unwahrscheinlich dabei geholfen, bisherige Denk- und Verhaltensmuster, die mich und meine Ehe belastet haben, zu erkennen und zu verändern. Sie hat mir in einer schwierigen Situation geholfen, dem Leben neu zu begegnen - Situationen und Menschen aus einem anderen Blickwinkel zu betrachten, und dadurch viel leichter damit umgehen zu können. Sie ist dabei unglaublich einfühlsam und eine sehr gute Zuhörerin, analysiert zugleich messerscharf. Ich empfehle sie von Herzen. "
"I have tried many forms of therapy over the years and everything was important in its own right. Sarah was recommended to me by a friend and I have to admit I was skeptical at first whether coaching would finally give me the amount of insight that I was looking for. But it was actually the commitment she asked for that got me to really stay on my topics. She challenged my entire way of thinking with her empathic, yet straight forward approach. You can tell she is really in it with all her heart. I love her practical analogies and they pop straight into my head when I catch myself falling into my old patterns. Change doesn’t happen over night but I experienced through Sarah how much faster it can go, when you have the right person guiding you. Working with her was one of the best investments in myself that I have ever made."
"As a result of growing up with a narcissistic parent I was bound to replicate these experienced patterns or dynamics in my adult relationships however before working with Sarah I did not recognize or address these patterns. Through her coaching, I’ve learned how to identify my attachment style, develop self-awareness, and cultivate healthier relationship dynamics. Additionally, her coaching helped me to process the trauma of the abuse and how to heal from its effects, and how to move forward in a positive direction. It was mind blowing and her coaching has changed my life forever."
Estate Manager
"I started to work with Sarah almost at the same time that I started a new relationship. While I have a very fulfilling career, I never really managed to maintain a relationship however hard I tried. Sarah’s way of questioning my feelings helped me unlock many underlying processes I was completely unaware of, some of which I was able to undo during the coaching and some of which I still continue to work on. What I like about Sarah the most is how she makes you see the world through a different lens."
Real Estate Agent

— How it works?

Simple Steps to Success

It all starts with a single first step.

We all crave consummate love, i.e. a partnership at eye-level with commitment, friendship and passion. The most common mistake we make in finding that however is by not really knowing ourselves enough and consequently choosing the wrong people.

Ready to start?

Simple, online booking. 100% discrete.

Make a decision
Are you stuck in a loop of one unfulfilling or even toxic relationship after another? Don't risk another one! Let's break the cycle now!
Schedule A Zoom Call
Start your journey to become the person you want to attract!
Show Commitment
Change begins at the end of your comfort zone. I have the experience, dedication and the compassion to guide you, however I can only take you as far as you are ready to go. Are you ready to take charge and invest your time & energy into your biggest shift yet?
Transformation Completed
At the end of our journey you will not only be closer to yourself than you have ever been and know how to give yourself what you need but you will also be ready to attract the relationship you desire.

Get Instant Free Access to the

10 Greatest Relationship Myths & Truths

There are certain misconceptions around relationships that are so engrained into our beliefs that we subconsciously strive for them only to set ourselves up for failure. In this free course I will delve into those myths & truths.
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